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dApp Registration for DSK

The dApp details in dApp Store Registry can be managed via a Management App. This is a webapp hosted by Meroku.

Table of Contents
Step 0. Prepare your dApp before submission
Step 1. dApp Submission
Get help via Discord

Step 0. Prepare your dApp before submission

Ensure you have the following information before you submit a dApp to registry.

  1. All dApps requiring connection with wallets should ensure that they support WalletConnect
  2. Logo of the app. Should be square and 512x512 in PNG
  3. Banner of the app. Should be 1920x1080 and in PNG
  4. Screenshots of the app. Should be 1284 x 2778 and in PNG format
  5. Build File (if APK)
  6. Privacy Policy. This should be a public page on your domain that explains the privacy policy.
  7. Support URL. This should be a public page on your domain that users can visit for support. This may be a logged in view.

What if you already have your APK published on Play Store?

You may need to do minimal changes in your APK. These changes should be such that Google Play Services (like IAP etc) are removed or handled so that they don't throw exception or cause your app to crash. We have in our roadmap parallels to the Play Store services that you can use when they are available.

What if you already have a side loaded APK?

Similar to above, you may need to ensure that any side loaded feature is handled such that it does not throw exception or causes your app to crash. We have in our roadmap parallels to the Side Loaded services that you can use when they are available.

What if my app is a PWA?

That's a great news. You can either publish your app as

  • PWA as it is.
  • Bundle it in APK and ship it as APK.

Shipping as it is in PWA is simple and you simply need to have a URL where it can be accessed publicly.

If you want to bundle it as APK, you can use one of the many tools available to package your app in APK and continue shipping it. While we do not recommend any particular tool, there are many available on a search result.


What if only my website is mobile optimized?

Similar to PWA, you can use a tool to convert your website into APK. While we do not recommend any particular tool, there are many available on a search result.


Step 1. dApp Submission


This step will change as we progress towards decentralization. To know more, visit progressive decentralization.

To submit your dApp visit This page will redirect you to a Jotform link. If you are not redirected, click on this jotform link to go directly

On this form, enter the details for the dApp.

Once you submit your dApp, our team will review it. In case of any questions, we will contact you using the email provided in the form. In case there is no issue, your dApp will be added to the registry. It might take upto 1 day for your dApp to be listed.

Get Help

If you are stuck or confused about any step in the above process, reach out to us on our Discord